Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Home, Food, Family

Do you remember Anastasia movie from Disney about a girl from Russia Royal Family who seperated from her family when there's a tragedy caused by Rasputin the wicked witch? I do really love this movie that i couldn't stop watch it when i was 7 years old. Anastasia dying to death to find her home, love, and family so does my story. This is the Part II of my previous post (Journey to the center of Java). 

As I written before, we went back to my dad's hometown to celebrated the Eid Mubaraq last two weeks. It was a long long journey coz of the traffic jam AND this is the first since 18 years ago my dad visited his hometown (becoz of the he's bussy of work or something). We arrived in Madiun East Java after 22 hours a long and tired trip. But its all payed with their hospitality. 

Probably because of the Long-time-no-see effect, everybody looked so happy to see us. They also picked up us from the hotel and made a lil welcoming party if i might said. Just like Anastasia who finally found her family who lost, they served us like a royal family by served us some beverages, cooked us our favorite foods, gave us souvenirs and homemade cookies and lots more. Completely made me so happy!

(Kue Putu Jumbo)

I ate Pecel Madiun and Rawon made by my family. These are the best. Pecel is some boiled vegetables ( like bean sprout, spinach, cabagge, green mustard and other things) with a sauce made by peanut, shrimp paste, chillies and others (i will give the recipe later). Rawon is a black beef soup and the black soup comes from a black nut or kluwak in bahasa Indonesia or Pangeum Edule. There are alots of blogs who post the recipe but i can also give it to you (later~).

(Rawon and Pecel Madiun with prawn cracker in one plate)

(A box of Apple Juice from them)
A very nice journey and foods and hospitality. I love it so much. Maybe you should visit your family, friends, or relatives who rarely meet you. You will feel like the luckiest person in the world when they love you like there's no tomorrow. My journey hasn't finished yet. Because we continued the trip to another side of East Java. Looked for some favorite foods and some of from my dad's childhood. TO BE CONTINUE....

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